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- 8th of September, 2003: 6th Internal meeting
- 3rd of June, 2003: NII/HUNGARNET IPv6 project discussion meeting at Siemens Hungary Rt.
- 8th of May, 2003: 5th Internal meeting
- 08th of April, 2003: "IPv6 in EU FP5 programs: point of view from 6NET and GÉANT -presentation at MATÁV-PKI given by János Mohácsi
- 21st of March, 2003: 7206VXR was installed at MTA-SZTAKI
- 7th of March, 2003: 7206VXR was installed in Godollo
- 25th of February, 2003: 4th internal meeting
- 30th of January, 2003: Native STM-1 from Vienna has tested and deployed
- 27th of January, 2003: 3rd internal meeting
- 17th of December, 2002: planned Hungarian IPv6 topology (end of
January, 2003)
- 5th of December, 2002: a 7206VXR was installed at Technical
University of Budapest
- 2nd of December, 2002: "IPv6 basics for ISPs" presented by János
Mohácsi at CoHIP (Council of Hungarian Internet Providers) meeting,
- 25th of November, 2002: another 7206VXR IPv6 router was installed
as NIIF and MTA SZTAKI router
- 22nd of November, 2002: 6NET routers delivered
- Cisco 7206VXR + NPE-400
- A 7206VXR with STM-1 POS interface was installed as NIIF IPv6
central PoP router
- 8th of October, 2002: 2nd official Hungarian 6NET meeting, held
in Budapest. Partners attended:
- NIIF (Máray Tamás, Mohácsi János, Kovács András)
- SZTAKI (Tétényi István, Kalmár Zoltán, Farkas István)
- KFKI RMKI (Kadlecsik József)
- BME EISZK (Jákó András)
- BME IK (Szigeti Szabolcs)
- PTE (Nagy Ders, Róth Tamás)
- SZTE (Bohus Mihály)
- ME (Rutz Antal)
- 2nd of September, 2002: "Introduction to IPv6" presented by
János Mohácsi
- 26th of August, 2002: 1st official hungarian 6NET meeting, held
in Budapest. Partners attended:
- NIIF (Bálint Lajos, Mohácsi János, Kovács András)
- SZTAKI (Tétényi István, Kalmár Zoltán)
- KFKI RMKI (Zimányi Magdolna, Kadlecsik József)
- BME EISZK (Jákó András)
- BME IK (Szigeti Szabolcs)
Forthcoming events: