The IPv6 Network Protocol

The developers and operators of IP networks have long ago realized the shortcomings of the current IPv4 protocol. The enormous growth of the Internet has suddenly made it urgent to provide a solution. Coordinated by the IETF, the first proposal for the next generation IP protocol (IPng) has appeared in 1994. Accepted at the end of 1995, the new network technology, IPv6 gives answer to the current and future requirements for a modern network architecture.

The introduction of IPv6 will begin in the near future, and it is expected to become the dominant protocol for the Internet in the next few years.

In February 1997, at the Department of Process Control, Technical University of Budapest, we have begun experimenting with the use and introduction of IPv6.

In this presentation we would like to outline the properties and addressing structure of IPv6. We present the state of IPv6 networking around the world, including current specifications and implementations. Finally we give account on our work and experiences in this field.