6Bone connection policy for Hungarian 6Bone
$Id: 6bone-connectivity.html 51 2001-06-08 11:18:04Z mohacsi $
TIPSTER6 Project provides experimental connection service for Hungarian
6Bone, an IPv6 testbed network, under the following conditions.
- We currently support the following link-layers:
- IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel, from either of following tunnel endpoints:
- Infopark, Budapest, Hungary: (*)
- Those who would like a connection must submit the following items to 6bone-connect@ik.bme.hu
- Link-layer to be used
- Name and contact email address/phone#/whatever for administrator, or
RIPE/ARIN/APNIC/6Bone handle
- The implementation to be used (example: Linux 2.4.x on PentiumII)
- FQDN hostname of the DNS server which holds reverse lookup (PTR)
- One host (called pinghost) that can be tested for checking
- Information depends on link-layer:
- IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel: IPv4 address for IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel
- We assume absolutely no warranty for this experimental service. We will
try our best but the connectivity may not be stable.
- The experiment is planned to be terminated by the end of 2002. The date is
subject to change.
- The experiment will cease when HUNGARNET, or BME start providing
conflicting services. NOTE: IPv6 connectivity service is not a conflicting
- The purpose of the connection is "experiment on IPv6
The address prefix used for IPv6 connection is temporarily assigned to you
for from TIPSTER6 project, just for experiment. It must be returned when the
experiment has finished. We assign IPv6 addresses if and only if you are
connected/ will be connected to 6Bone via TIPSTER6.
- During experiment, there will be address re-assignment (renumbering) will
happen. You have to be ready for renumbering.
- Physical/logical connection endpoint for TIPSTER6 side is subject to
change. You have to be ready for the change.
- If you plan to perform multi-homed 6Bone connection (connect to other
6Bone connection provider simultaneously), please have a great care on
routing announcements.
- Contact TIPSTER6 6bone administrators before making multihome
connections to other upstreams.
- NEVER advertise address assigned from TIPSTER6 6Bone to other
upstreams. IPv6 specification disallow portable addresses.
- Do not advertise address assigned from other upstreams, to our
routers. We not accept such routes.
- Some of your network configuration will be made public via our registry.
This is required by rule for Hungarian 6Bone.
- You have to submit a experiment report when the experiment has finished.
The report will be published to general public.
- IPv6/v4 traffic that goes through us will be analyzed by TIPSTER6 project
for research-use statistics purposes. The result may be published to general
public, for research purposes.
- Under some conditions, there will be a termination of service without
- If you redistribute 6Bone connectivity or you charge for it, you should
contact us to agree on redistribution service, since HUNGARNET has a certain
- The TIPSTER6 project can filter or shape the traffic without any prior notification.
- If your 6Bone connectivity is dead more than 2 months, termination of the
service is subject of consideration.
- For administrative reasons, we may redirect your connection request to
other 6Bone providers.
- Routing information will be announced by using BGP4+. (subject to change)
- We do not accept connection requests from sites without a permanent global
IPv4 address. (condition depends on ISP service configurations).
- We are providing /48 address blocks for every requesting organisation
according to the RFC2471. For individual requester should use our Tunnel
Broker service. Changes from this address assignment rules hast be to be
- After you finish your trial, or we finish the Trial service, you must
return the assigned IPv6 address block. We follow the rule: The IPv6
address is not considered as a property.
Hungarian version