#acl All:read <> = Which version of openssh support IPv6? = [[http://www.openssh.org/|Openssh]] supports IPv6 since 2000. Use the latest version to avoid security bugs. = How can I enable/disable IPv6 in ssh daemon? = There is a configuration option in {{{sshd_config}}} file to define the local addresses sshd should listen on. ListenAddress:: Specifies the local addresses sshd should listen on. The following forms may be used: {{{ ListenAddress host|IPv4_addr|IPv6_addr ListenAddress host|IPv4_addr:port ListenAddress [host|IPv6_addr]:port }}} = How can I enable/disable IPv6 in ssh client (ssh/scp/sftp)? = There is a configration option in {{{ssh_config}}} file to define which protocol (ipv4/ipv6) enable/disable: AddressFamily:: Specifies which address family should be used by the ssh client programs. Valid arguments are {{{any}}}, {{{inet}}} (use IPv4 only), or {{{inet6}}} (use IPv6 only). The default is {{{any}}}. = Is there any other way to enable/disable IPv6 without modifying configuration files? = You can force IPv4 or IPv6 usage with commmand line switches {{{-4}}} and {{{-6}}} respectively.