
Dovecot IMAP server configuration guide

Enabling IPv6

Dovecot imap server supports IPv6 by default. It can be disabled at compile time, with the --disable-ipv6 option of configure.

Configure dovecot with IPv6 support (default)

configure --enable-ipv6

Recompile and install.

Confgure without IPv6 support

configure --disable-ipv6

Recompile and install.

Running dovecot in IPv6 mode

Dovecot runs in standalone mode, without the need for inetd. To enable IPv6, add or change

listen = [::]

in the appropriate section (general, imap or pop3) of the configuration file (dovecot.conf). This will enable IPv6 on all interfaces. Specifying address will bind IPv6 support to specific interface.

Campus6: dovecotimapguide (last edited 2008-04-10 15:29:32 by localhost)