
Which version of Novell/Netware supports IPv6?

The Novell Netware version 6.5 does support IPv6.

What IPv6 features are supported by Netware 6.5?

What IPv6 features will be available in the future ?

What kind of IPv6 capable applications are available for Netware 6.5?

For debbuging and diagnostics you can use:

For real applications you can use:

How can configure IPv6 on Netware 6.5?

  1. Copying the necessary NLMs to system directory : First you must copy all the NLMs from sys:research/ipv6 to sys:system directory. Note: the sys:research directory is installed in the default install.

  2. Running IPv6 install script : At the console prompt on Netware6.5 server run the next script
     perl sys:research/ipv6/
  3. customise your configuration : the script generates an ip6.cfg configuration file in sys:etc directory that should be customised. A sample file:

     #               Example  Config File
     #       Replace with appropriate vaues
     #       Please refer to Admin guide for more details
     # ******************************************************************************
     # Default values for InterfaceAll [Valid range in brackets]
     #       Router                  no      [yes/no]
     #       Autotunnel              yes     [yes/no]
     #       6to4                    no      [yes/no]
     # Default values for Interface [Valid range in brackets]
     # Please replace <interface_name> by your network interface
     # board name for autoconfiguration.
     #       Addr                    Corr. IPv6 Address [There is no default for this field]
     #       PrefixLen               Prefix len of addr      [64-128]
     #       MTU                     1280    [1280 - Link MTU]
     [ Interface All ]
     Router                  yes
     Autotunnel              no
     6to4                    no
     [ Interface RTSSRV_1_EII ]
     Addr    2001:db8:4801::22
     Prefixlen       64
     [Interface N100_1_EII_EII ]
     Addr    2002:db8:4802::22
     Prefixlen       64

How can start and stop IPv6 protocol stack ?

Where the IPv6 related files are located on the Netware 6.5 server?

Where can I get more information about IPv6 support of Novell Netware ?

Take a look at the webpages at

Campus6: IPv6servernetware (last edited 2008-04-10 15:29:36 by localhost)